It's finally daughter's Senior year in high school. I can't believe it came around so fast!
I had to bring something (a dessert) to the annual block party held for her volleyball team, so I figured I would go all out and be a little creative since this was my last and final time to do this.
So I decided to try the sugar cookie thing again. And I must tell you, decorating cookies is almost as fun as painting my nails! I love it! So, here's her school's logo...the famous "Rockin' L"
Just to give you an idea of how much this logo is loved and how huge LoboNation is here in East Texas, the video below is of the high school band forming the "Rockin L" at the end of a half-time performance during a football game...
:-D that gives me chills every time I see it, and its even better in person! Ok back to the they are...
These cookies obviously are not perfect. But they were just perfect for this event. The girls loved them! And what makes them even more special (to me) is that I made the cookie cutter!! Well duh, not the circle, the "L". I couldn't find anyone that sold "rockin L" cookie cutters, so I googled how to make one and went to work. It was too fun...
I love & hate that this is my baby's last year of high school, but I want her to enjoy it and savor every moment of it...starting with my cookies! Thanks for reading!