If you've never heard of poo-pourri spray...well, here it is. It is a natural "before-you-go" air freshener for your bathroom. Their web site says that "Poo-Pourri is not a chemical cover up! Based on aromatherapy principles, a squirt of two into the bowl forms a protective layer of essential oils that prevents nasty smells from showing up..."
Ok, so I first heard about this from one of my favorite bloggers Jill over at One Good Thing By Jillee. But just like her, and probably many of you, I believe in the power of essential oils, and I didn't want to pay $14.95 for a 4 oz. bottle of this spray, just in case it didn't work. So here is what I used:
15 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
15 drops Spearmint Essential Oil
6 oz water
small spray bottle
(it's ironic that my spray bottle says "I Go")
Fill the spray bottle with water, add essential oil drops and shake.
As you can see, I've already used mine quite a bit!!
Now to use, Jill's instructions were spot on...
BEFORE nature calls, shake bottle to mix well, spray your toilet 3 or 4 times, then "do your business". The oils will disperse over the water creating a vapor barrier and trap any offensive smells.
I had to try this and let me tell y'all, it works, and it works good! I can't believe I didn't know about this before now. Thanks Jill!! I've even mixed a teeny-tiny spray bottle to keep in my purse for those "away from home" bathroom visits! Okay, enough about this subject...Thanks for reading!!